Expo Dom Components
Last Updated: December 11, 2024
Install react-native-webview
npx expo install react-native-webview
To render a React compenent to the DOM, add the 'use dom' directive at the top of a web component file
"use dom";
export default function DOMComponent({ name }: { name: string }) {
return (
<h1>Hello, {name}!</h1>
Incrementally Migrate React websites to React Native
- Safari debug tools for iOS simulator. Found under the Develop tab in Safari.
- Shift + M in Expo CLI for Dev tools
- expo-atlas - useful for checking bundle size and what JavaScript gets compiled to.
- Zero config. Most other configs still just work.
Lightning Round
Things being done with Expo Dom Components:
- Mdx compatible
- Flow charts with @xyflow/react
- Custom emoji picker with emoji-mart/react
- Image cropping with react-mobile-cropper
- WebGL and 3D with THREE.js
- Editing complex text with @tiptap/react
Expo Tree Shaking
Perform a recursive search on all unused dependencies and remove them from the final compiled bundle.
- Unused imports and exports
- Barrel file optimizations
- Module re-exports
- Package.json side-effects
- Platform-specific minification
- Unused server code
- Empty modules
- Side-effecty imports
Using React DOM in Expo native apps Web Once, Native Everywhere: Introducing Expo DOM Components — Evan Bacon | RUC 2024